Thursday 18 April 2013

{ Wedding Styling }

Wedding Styling is something I've been thinking about for a while, but never knew where to start. Styling a Wedding is very different to planning a wedding.A Stylist would do all the decor/table settings/flowers/ect... kinda like an Interior Designer/Decorator, but for a Wedding. A Planner would do all the logistical side of things, like booking venues/ect and making sure everything runs smoothly. Not that I have any experience in any of these fields, but that's how I would imagine it work's.

I have not done any Wedding Styling yet,but as an Interior Designer it is something I would like         to do in the future. 

I have been lucky enough to help my lovely friend Melissa plan her wedding.
It will be next year sometime, and she is hoping for a beach wedding.

I have created a few mood boards for her, with some ideas for the ceremony; reception; table decor; flowers; cocktail bar/snacks & the creative shoot (which my wonderful boyfriend Bryan will be shooting, have a look at his blog: bryanpowellphotography).

Wednesday 17 April 2013

~ Europe in December ~

This past weekend we finally booked our flights & Contiki tour !!! I am beyond excited. I have been planning for months, so to have it all booked feels amazing!!  I will still be doing lots of research (cool restaurants/cafes/shops ect..) .

We will be visiting the UK first, and hopefully going to go down to Cornwall and up to Bath. Which will be so beautiful. I love old historic towns. It will be freezing cold that time of year, but we will just have to make the most of it.

We will be doing the Contiki after Christmas, for 12 days. It is just a taster of all the main cities in Europe [ Netherlands; Germany; Austria; Italy;Switzerland & France]

Here are some of the places I look forward to seeing:

Amsterdam - Netherlands

Amsterdam - Netherlands

Munich - Germany

Munich - Germany

Innsbruck - Austria

Innsbruck - Austria

Venice - Italy



Rome - Italy







Florence - Italy




Lucerne - Switzerland

Lake lucerne




Famous Macaroon's in Paris

amazing packaging